Special Education
Special Education Programs put students first by meeting the needs of individual students in the least restrictive environment, adjusting services and teaching strategies as students’ needs change, providing creative, diverse, and quality instructional support in a variety of settings and styles, and involving parents and guardians as a central aspect of students’ success.
Colfax-Mingo Schools is committed to providing a full continuum of quality educational services for students with disabilities in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities of Act (IDEA). This is outlined in the District Developed Service Delivery Plan. General and special education teachers work collaboratively to provide an appropriate education in the least restrictive environment for all students. Special education supports and services are provided to ensure the academic, social, emotional, behavioral, adaptive, and physical needs of all students with disabilities are met. These supports and services are memorialized in the Individual Education Program or Plan (IEP).
Priority is placed on serving students with disabilities in the general education setting, being taught alongside their general education peers. In fact, the vast majority of our students are served in their home schools. In less common cases, the IEP team may determine that alternative instruction or alternative placement may be required to meet the needs of the individual student. The student’s parent or guardian is an essential member of that team.
If you suspect your child may have a disability or have concerns related to your child’s IEP please contact your child’s teacher, school’s principal, or guidance office.
Primary Contacts
Stephanie Ver Helst
Special Education Director, Section 504 District Coordinator, English Learner Programming Director Foster Care, Homeless and Migratory Education School Liaison
- All buildings
- 515-674-4111
- Email Stephanie Ver Helst
Stephanie Ver Helst
Special Education Director, Section 504 District Coordinator, English Learner Programming Director Foster Care, Homeless and Migratory Education School Liaison
- All buildings
- 515-674-4111
- Email Stephanie Ver Helst

More Special Education Contacts
Title | Name | Phone |
Elementary Special Education Teacher, Head Boys Wrestling Coach | Stacey Rice | 515-674-3465 |
Jr/Sr High Special Education Teacher, Assistant Wrestling | Dakota Drenth | 515-674-4111 |
Jr/Sr High Special Education Teacher | Tawney Palmiotto | 515-674-4111 |
Elementary Special Education, TLC Mentor Lead | Rebeka Derry | 515-674-3465 |
Elementary Special Education Teacher | Kelsey Henschen | 515-674-3465 |