Colfax-Mingo Community Schools wants to partner with parents as we implement new technologies for our students, and we want our parents to feel well equipped to understand how different technologies function for their children. We also want you to understand that the device is first and foremost a learning tool, and we expect students to use their device responsibly and with good digital citizenship skills at the forefront of everything they do. Digital citizenship is an important part of today’s world, and helping your student become a positive role model in the digital world is an important part of the Colfax-Mingo’s 1:1 Program.
Common Sense Media for Parents
Information on Using Securly
Our district uses Securly to help keep students safe on their school-issued Chromebooks. As part of the solution, we have given you access to the free SecurlyHOME app and Parent Portal View.
Securly Parent Portal Directions
How to Install and Use the Securly App
Using Securly on a Desktop Computer
Colfax Mingo CSD Chromebook Computer Loan Agreement