An English learner (EL) is a student who is in the process of acquiring English proficiency and has a first language other than English or in addition to English. The EL status remains with the student until s/he shows English proficiency enabling the student to:
- Listen, speak, read, and write in English
- Be successful in the classroom setting where there is language instruction
- Be able to actively participate in his/her classroom, school, community, and beyond
Colfax-Mingo Community School District adheres to requirements and best practices to implement standardized procedures for the entrance and exit of English learners in the state of Iowa. The EL program is outlined in this LAU Plan.
Primary Contacts
Stephanie Ver Helst
Special Education Director, Section 504 District Coordinator, English Learner Programming Director Foster Care, Homeless and Migratory Education School Liaison
- All buildings
- 515-674-4111
- Email Stephanie Ver Helst
Stephanie Ver Helst
Special Education Director, Section 504 District Coordinator, English Learner Programming Director Foster Care, Homeless and Migratory Education School Liaison
- All buildings
- 515-674-4111
- Email Stephanie Ver Helst