At Colfax-Mingo High School we take pride in our academics and we offer a variety of courses to prepare our students for an ideal college experience.

To receive a high school diploma from the Colfax-Mingo Community School District, a student must have earned a total of forty-nine (49) credits in grades 9-12. One credit is earned for a class that meets five times a week for 90 days, or 1 semester. It shall be the responsibility of the high school principal to ensure students recommended for graduation have met the requirements specified by the Board. The Board of Directors has approved the following graduation requirements: 


8 Credits


6 Credits

Social Studies

6 Credits


6 Credits


4 Credits


4 Credits


6 Credits


6  credits

English 9

English 10

Physical Science

Biology 1

Modern World History (1)

Western Civilizations (1)

US History (2)

Economics (1)

Government (1)



Algebra 2 OR 

Applied Math (teacher recommendation)

English Electives

4 Credits

Science Electives

2 Credits

Social Studies Electives Math Electives
English Lit DMACC

Composition 1 DMACC

Composition 2 DMACC

English 11

English 12

Biology 2


Earth Science

Chemistry (Even Years)

Physics (Odd Years)

Human Anatomy

Contemporary World Issues

Intro to Psychology

Topics in Psychology

Intro to Sociology

Topics in Sociology

Precalculus DMACC

Trigonometry DMACC

Calculus DMACC

Prob & Stats DMACC

Financial Literacy-1 credit     Physical Education-4 credits
Additional Requirements for Graduation
18 Elective Credits Options are provided below
Community Service 80 Hours * 20 hours per high school year at CM
CPR Training Offered during senior year
Senior Exit Project Completed during senior year  

Course Catalog

Colfax-Mingo Jr./Sr. High School offers a wide variety of classes to choose from, allowing students to tailor their education based on their interests. Please check out the large variety of courses offered at C-M for the 2024-2025 school year by viewing our course handbook.

Jr/Sr High Course Catalog

Resources for Students

For those looking for distance learning options, there are many online universities in Iowa, as well as brick-and-mortar schools offering online programs to earn degrees. Iowa has more than 88 post-secondary institutions, of which 37 offer online programs.

List of Accredited Online Colleges and Universities in Iowa