605.11 – Student Social Media Regulations
Due to the wealth of new social media tools available to students, student products and
documents have the potential to reach audiences far beyond the classroom. This translates into a greater level of responsibility and accountability for everyone. Below are guidelines students in the Colfax-Mingo Community School District should adhere to when using Web 2.0 tools in the classroom.
Social Media Guidelines for Students
Be aware of what you post online. Social media venues are very public. What you contribute leaves a digital footprint for all to see. Do not post anything you wouldn’t want friends, enemies, parents, teachers, or a future employer to see.
- Follow the school’s code of conduct when writing online. It is acceptable to disagree with someone else’s opinions, however, do it in a respectful way. Make sure that criticism is constructive and not hurtful. What is inappropriate in the classroom is inappropriate online.
- Be safe online. Never give out personal information, including, but not limited to, last names, phone numbers, addresses, exact birthdates, and pictures. Do not share your password with anyone besides your teachers and parents.
- Linking to other websites to support your thoughts and ideas is recommended. However, be sure to read the entire article prior to linking to ensure that all information is appropriate for a school setting.
- Do your own work! Do not use other people’s intellectual property without their permission. It is a violation of copyright law to copy and paste other’s thoughts. When paraphrasing another’s idea(s) be sure to cite your source with the URL. It is good practice to hyperlink to your sources.
- Be aware that pictures may also be protected under copyright laws. Verify you have permission to use the image or that it is under “Creative Commons” attribution.
- How you represent yourself online is an extension of yourself. Do not misrepresent yourself by using someone else’s identity.
- Blog and wiki posts should be well written. Follow writing conventions including proper grammar, capitalization, and punctuation. If you edit someone else’s work be sure it is in the spirit of improving the writing.
- If you run across inappropriate material that makes you feel uncomfortable or is not respectful, tell your teacher right away.
- The district may take actions to regulate the posting of content by users consistent with rules of service (i.e. Facebook) and in accordance with applicable laws, including the removal of prohibited content and/or banishment of users from accessing the page(s). Prohibited content includes, but is not limited to, content that is defamatory, contains threats, is obscene, or consists of fighting words.
- Students who do not abide by these terms and conditions may lose their opportunity to take part in the project and/or access to future use of online tools.
Date of Adoption: August 18, 2014
Reviewed & Revised: March 21, 2016; June 17, 2019