It is the policy of the board of Directors to organize and maintain the distinction between those activities which are appropriate to the Board of Directors as the legislative governing body of the School District, and those administrative activities which are to be performed by the Superintendent of Schools and his/her staff in the exercise of a delegated administrative authority. The function of the Board can be described as policy-making, appraisal, and evaluation.
The Board of Directors shall have the further duty of providing the financial means by which the educational program is conducted. They shall also ensure that the community be informed of the needs, purposes, values and status of the schools.
Date of Adoption: July 1, 1985
Reviewed/Revised: September 3, 1991, October 17, 1994, January 5, 1998, May 21, 2001, March 7, 2006, March 7, 2011, March 21, 2016, February 14, 2022