501.7R1 – Requests for Transfer Within the Building
At times there are legitimate reasons for a parent or student to desire a different section. For those rare cases, a process to either confirm or change the placement is in effect. One of the main concerns is that everyone is treated fairly and equally.
Students will be randomly placed in a section. The principal and teachers will review the lists for compatibility.
If a parent desires a different placement, he/she needs to put in writing the reasons for the desired change. The principal and teachers will weigh each case individually and will make a decision based on what they feel is best for the student.
If the parent is not satisfied with the decision of the principal, he/she can appeal it to the superintendent, and if still not satisfied to the Board of Directors.
The child will remain in the section he/she was originally placed in until the appeal process is complete.
Date of Adoption: September 16, 1996
Reviewed & Revised: January 27, 2003; January 21, 2008; March 15, 2019