Our Board met last night and determined how CMCSD will move forward through Dec. 22. Our Board desperately wants to do the right thing for everyone involved and provide as much consistency as possible for all. The right thing for everyone doesn’t exist in a complex situation like this, we can only do the best we can with the information we have at the time. It is my sincere hope that you understand that we take into consideration the awful impact this virus has had on all of our lives.
After much deliberation, considering impacts and possible future scenarios, the board has decided to:
- Extend our virtual learning another week through Nov. 19. This would follow our original Return to Learn guidelines of being virtual for two weeks.
- Starting Nov. 20, we will follow a new split Hybrid plan.
○ We will have PK-6th grade on site each day.
○ Our 7th – 12th graders will follow the Blue/Orange Hybrid format.
- We will follow this split Hybrid plan through Dec. 22.
- At the Dec. 21 Board meeting, the Board will consider what our learning plan will be starting back on Jan. 4.
- More details are listed below on page three.
- **NOTE: if the Department of Education denies our request to stay virtual through Nov. 19, our virtual learning would only extend through Nov. 16 and we would begin our new Hybrid plan Nov. 17.
- **NOTE: at any time, this plan could change back to virtual based on staffing availability, positivity rates in our county, or state/federal guidance.
- We chose this plan as our mitigation strategies at the elementary have been successful to keep groups of kids together with minimizing the crossing of grade levels and classes. At the 7th-12th grade level, the mitigation strategies are more complex as the students are with different groups of kids class by class and they cross paths throughout the day. As such, the necessity was to minimize the number of kids in the building on a daily basis. No matter what, we understand that this is not an ideal situation for anyone. It is simply a matter of trying to navigate through a seemingly impossible situation.
- While we cannot share specifics, it is important for you to know that a component to our decision was the number of staff that are out with COVID-related illness or quarantines. The need to have students properly supervised while in their learning environment is vital. As such, having enough staff is a variable in our ability to keep schools open. Throughout the state there is a substitute shortage for teachers and paraprofessionals. We continue to seek out substitutes to address this important need.
- It is our sincerest hope and strongest focus to get kids back safely as soon as we possibly can. We are working on that continually basing our decisions on guidance from health experts and the Department of Education. We are working around the clock to serve our students and our community in the very best way we possibly can.
- Thank you so much for working with us, voicing your concerns, and your ideas. Thank you for your support, grace, and understanding during this time. I am aware that this can put a strain on families. I appreciate everyone working together as we try to do what is right by our kids and follow the guidance of the Iowa Department of Public Health.
Please continue to follow health and safety guidelines from the Iowa Department of Public Health and the CDC of handwashing, staying home when sick, maintaining 6 feet of distance, and wearing a mask. Thank you for continuing to follow the expectations in our buildings of wearing a face covering and using hand sanitizer when entering the building and throughout the day.
○ On Nov. 20, we will have 7th-12th graders in the ORANGE group on site and the BLUE group will be working virtually from home.
○ Nov. 23 will be the BLUE group on site and the ORANGE group will be working virtually from home.
○ This alternating pattern will continue as long as we are in this Hybrid plan. ○ Secondary students will have a specific schedule to follow and attendance will be taken.
○ Our teachers will have expectations for students to keep engaged during distance learning. The engagement will look different than normal, but students need to continue their learning each day. Stay in contact with staff if you have any questions when students are at home with distance learning
○ Elementary students will all be on site starting Nov. 20 and continue with their daily schedules as we started the school year.
○ Continue the current distance learning format through Nov. 19.
- Grab and Go meals will continue to be available for all daily through Nov. 19. 7th-12th graders will continue to have these meals available during Hybrid learning. ● Meals can be picked up at the elementary at 10 am.
- NOTE: Meals may vary from the current published school menu.
- We understand the stress this can put on a parent/guardian. We will continue to offer daycare for our Kindergarten – sixth graders through Nov. 19 for those that signed up.
- If you need to add your child to daycare for Nov. 13-19, please complete this form. Those already signed up do not need to complete the form again.
- We do ask that this is only in the situation that it is a necessity for your family. If other arrangements can be made it would be greatly appreciated as we are needing to minimize the number of people in the building.
- Starting Nov. 20, activities will be able to resume, per guidance from the Department of
Education. - Weight room and gymnasiums at both buildings will be closed and unavailable.
INTERNET - If your family is in need of support with reliable internet at home
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Take care and be safe,
PHONE: [515]674-3646 FAX: [515]674-3921
1000 N Walnut Colfax, IA 50054
Colfax-Mingo Community School District’s mission is to ensure a community that fosters life-long learners, independent thinkers, and productive citizens of character!
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