400.01 – Equal Opportunity Employment
The Colfax-Mingo Community School District shall provide equal opportunity to all employees and applicants for employment in accordance with all applicable Equal Employment Opportunity laws, directives, and regulations of federal, state, and local governing bodies and agencies. The District shall take affirmative action in recruitment, appointment, assignment, and advancement of women, minorities, and the disabled. Employees shall be given notice of this policy annually.
Individuals who file an application with the District will be given consideration for employment if they meet or exceed the qualifications set by the District’s administration, the District’s Board of Directors, and the Department of Education for the position for which they apply. In employing school district personnel, the Board of Directors shall consider the qualifications, credentials, and records of the applicants without regard to age (except for students), gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, socioeconomic status, disability, race, national origin, color, religion, and creed. In keeping with the law, the Board of Directors shall consider the veteran status of applicants.
The Board will appoint an affirmative action coordinator. The affirmative action coordinator will have the responsibility for drafting the affirmative action plan. The affirmative action plan will be reviewed by the Board at least every two years.
Employees or applicants for employment having inquiries regarding compliance with equal employment opportunity and affirmative action are directed to contact:
Title: Superintendent
Location: 1000 N. Walnut St, Colfax, IA 50054
Phone: 515-674-3646
Inquiries by employees or applicant for employment regarding compliance with equal employment opportunity and affirmative action laws and policies, including but not limited to complaints of discrimination, may also be directed in writing to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commissions, 500 West Madison Street, Suite 2000, Chicago, IL, 60661, (800) 669-4000 or TTY (800) 669-6820. http://www.eeoe.gov/field/chicago/ or the Iowa Civil Rights Commission, 400 E. 14th Street, Des Moines, Iowa, 50319-1004, (515) 281-4121 or 1-800-457-4416, http://www.iowa.gov/government/crc. This inquiry or complaint to the federal office may be done instead of, or in addition to, an inquiry or complaint at the local level.
Further information and copies of the procedures for filing a complaint are available in the District’s central administrative office and the administrative office in each District attendance center.
Date of Adoption: January 20, 1992
Reviewed & Revised: August 1, 1994; January 15, 2007; September 17, 2018; February 21, 2000; March 11, 2002; January 18, 2010; January 10, 2014; September 17, 2018
401.01A Equal Employment Opportunity & Affirmative Action Compliance Program