Policy 801.03: Educational Specifications for Buildings & Sites

Original Adopted Date: 7/1/1985 | Last Reviewed Date: 6/19/2023

Buildings and sites considered for purchase or construction by the board or currently owned by the school district and used for the education program must meet, or upon improvement be able to meet, the specifications set by the board.  The board will make this determination.

Prior to remodeling or other construction of buildings and sites, the board may appoint a committee of consultants, employees, citizens, or others to assist the board in developing the specifications for the new or improved buildings and sites.  These specifications will be consistent with the education program, and they will provide the architect with the information necessary to determine what is expected from the facility.  It is within the discretion of the board to determine whether a committee is appointed.

The education specifications will include, but not be limited to, the financial resources available for the project, the definition and character of classrooms, the functional use to be made of the rooms, description of specialized needs, and other pertinent information as the board deems necessary.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent to make a recommendation to the board regarding the specifications of buildings and sites.

NOTE:  For more detailed discussion of this issue, see IASB’s Policy Primer, Vol. 17 #5- September 9, 2003.


Legal Reference: Cedar Rapids Community School District, Linn County v. City of Cedar Rapids, 252 Iowa 205, 106 N.W.2d 655 (1960).
Iowa Code §§ 8A; 26; 280.3, .14; 297; 544A.


I.C. Iowa Code Description
Iowa Code  § 26 Bidding
Iowa Code  § 280.14 Uniform School Requirements – Administrators
Iowa Code  § 280.3 Education Program – Attendance Center Requirements
Iowa Code  § 297 School Houses/Sites
Iowa Code  § 544A Architects
Iowa Code § 8A Department of Administrative Services
Case Law Description
Cedar Rapids CSD Linn Cnty v. City of CR 252 Iowa 205, 106 N.W.2d 655 (1960).