District Information for Paraprofessionals
Welcome to Colfax-Mingo! We are so excited to have you join our Tigerhawk Community! Below you will find important information related to your employment. Please feel free to reach out at any time with questions!
Who to Know:
- Superintendent: Tim Salmon tsalmon@colfaxmingo.org
- Special Education Director: Stephanie Ver Helst sverhelst@colfaxmingo.org
- PK-6 Principal: Brian Summy bsummy@colfaxmingo.org
- Elementary Secretary: Deb Gipe dgipe@colfaxmingo.org
- 7-12 Principal: Jake Troja jtroja@colfaxmingo.org
- Secondary Secretary: Willow Neer wneer@colfaxmingo.org
- Executive Assistant to the Superintendent & Registrar: Missy Daft mdaft@colfaxmingo.org
- School Nurse: Lindsey Cummins lcummins@colfaxmingo.org
- Human Resources/School Business Officer: Kelly Disney kdisney@colfaxmingo.org
- Payroll: Tammy Wickett twickett@colfaxmingo.org
- Technology: Mike Britt mbritt@colfaxmingo.org
Attached is a sheet explaining how to set up an AEA online account with our district. If you already have an account set up, you will need to update your account to reflect that you are an employee of Colfax-Mingo. Then you will need to complete the required trainings below. Please send all finished certificates to Missy Daft (mdaft@colfaxmingo.org). If you have completed the courses at another district, you can also send those certifications to Missy. These trainings must be completed by the first day of school, August 23rd. You will also have time to work on them during our pre-service days, but if you would like to complete them ahead of time, you can do that as well.
AEA Online Required Training Modules: www.training.aealearningonline.org
- Bloodborne Pathogens (Annual)
- Right to Know (Annual)
- Medication Administration (Every 5 years)
- Chapter 103 (Annual)
- Suicide Prevention & Postvention (Annual)
- Adverse Childhood Experiences (Annual)
- Mandatory Reporter: Child Abuse
- Mandatory Reporter: Dependent Adult Abuse
Other District-Required Training/Tasks:
- Tech Training from Michael Britt
- Meet with School Nurse Lindsey Cummins-Prior to meeting with Nurse Lindsey, complete the following:
- Medication Administration Course (Print Certificate and take to meeting with nurse)
- AEA Online Training site
- Intra nasal medication administration
- Seizure Training
- Narcan Training
- Individual student medical/health plans if you support a student with a plan
- Individual student evacuation plans if you support a student needing physical assistance to evacuate a building
- Medication Administration Course (Print Certificate and take to meeting with nurse)
- Medicaid documentation processes for Claim Aid-Nurse Lindsey
- Meet with assigned special education roster teacher to discuss roles & responsibilities
- Attend orientation with Special Education Director
Complete Upon Hire:
- Keys and Badge: pick up from building secretary
- Device: Mike Britt, Technology Director, mbritt@colfaxmingo.org at the high school to set a time for pick up
- You will each be issued a district email account
- Your login information should be emailed to you from Mike.
- If you need help, please reach out to Mike.
- HR Paperwork: Kelly Disney, School Business Officer and School Board Secretary, kdisney@colfaxmingo.org – please email to set a time to come in and complete the paperwork
- Infinite Campus Login and staff info: Missy Daft, mdaft@colfaxmingo.org – Meet with Missy the same day as Kelly to limit the number of trips.