1005.02 – Contests for Students
The following policy of the Board of Directors shall govern student participation in local, state, and national contests:
Participation shall be limited to those contests and activities that are educationally sound, worthy, and timely. It should be stimulating for the student and school, a desirable activity for both, and should supplement and not interfere with the regular program. No contestant shall be excluded on the basis of race, religion, creed, color, sex, age, socio-economic status, marital status, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or physical disability in its educational programs.
The building principals shall review and approve or reject all applications for participation. The application shall contain information about the nature of the contest, the purpose, the number of students involved, the time required, the means of financing the event, and other pertinent information.
Appropriate school funds may be used to assume the costs of the transportation where students represent the school, but in other events, the students shall pay their own transportation costs.
Date of Adoption: July 1, 1985
Reviewed & Revised: September 3, 1991; June 30, 1997; February 7, 2005; February 1, 2010; May 16, 2016