Securly Home
What is Securly Home?
Securly Home is an app installed on your phone that allows you to see what sites, videos, and searches your student has been doing on their school assigned Chromebook.
How do I get Securly Home?
By emialing mbritt@colfaxmingo.org with the following information your name, email address, the student(s) name and student’s school email address. Once enrolled you will receive an email on how to set up Seculry Home. This may take up to 24 hours to receive.
What Permissions will I have as a paent?
- Set Yoube to restricted mode (Allowinf only districted approved videos)
- Restrict image search to only creative commons
- allowed to bolock categories. By default the following is already blocked regardless of location (Porn, Gambling, Other Adult Content, Network Misuse, and Hate)
- Allow or block websites. If you feel your student is spending to much time on Netflix you can block access to the site.
- Will have the ablitity to set time outswhen the device internet will turned off from the device. Example would be if you wan the internet off from 10 pm to 6:30am for bedtime for weekdays, you can set this. Once the device is back at school all timeouts will be turned off.
What If I have questions?
First try going to homesupport.securly.com
If you still have questions, contact Michael Britt at mbritt@colfaxmingo.org
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