Tigerhawks Unified
The Tigerhawks Unified page offers a centralized location for Colfax-Mingo community students and families who are in need to find resources that will help support and ensure their success.
Community Resources
Mental Health Crisis? Call: 988
Emergent Services
Pregnancy Center of Iowa (Newton, IA) – Free confidential pregnancy testing, counseling, and support.
Contact: Rita Baker: (641) 791-3050 or pcciowa.org.
RAINN – Anonymously connects sexual assault victims with support.
Contact: 1-(800) 656-4673. rainn.org.
Experiencing Domestic Violence? You can contact Children and Families of Iowa – crisis line (515) 243-6147.
Food & Clothing
Colfax and Mingo Food Pantry and Caring Corner are collaborative efforts and provide food and personal hygiene items.
Colfax Food Pantry- Location: 128 State St, Colfax, IA 50054 Contact: (515) 971-2292 |
Mingo Caring Corner – Location: 100 N. Station St., Mingo, IA 50168 Contact: (674) 363-4631 Hours: Mon 3-5, Tues 9-12, Wed 1-5, Thurs 9-12, and Sat 9-11 |
Caring Hands Outreach (Altoona, IA) – is a collaborative effort of churches and community organizations in Central Iowa, providing food, clothing, and household items to those in need.
Location: 201 9th Street NW, Altoona IA 50009
Contact: (515) 967-4533 – www.caringhandsiowa.org
PCM Clothing Closet- is a non profit clothing closet run by a group of volunteers.
Location: 105 S. Sherman St., Prairie City, IA 50228
Contact: (515) 497-0221
Hours: Tues 2-7, Thurs 9:30 – 11:30, and Sun 2-4
Food Bank of Iowa – Backpack Food Program
Table of Grace Food Giveaway – Every 4th Tuesday from 3-6 pm.
Location: Howard Street Christian Church
Contact: Alberta Burns (515) 971-1077 or Traci Dunsbergen (515) 577-0369
Housing Needs
Central Iowa Shelter and Services– Provides assistance to obtain housing or maintain current housing.
Contact: Lindsey Sinn (515) 608-9560 www.iowahousinghelp.com.
General Assistance
Impact Program – Assist with bills for food, utilities, housing, and emergency.
Contact: (515) 518-4770
United Way – Need assistance? Call United Way 211 get connected and get answers. This service is available 24/7 and is confidential. www.211iowa.org.
Contact: United Way 2-1-1 by dialing 2-1-1 or 319-739-4211 or 1-866-469-2211.
Mental Health
Capstone Behavioral Health (Newton, IA) – Capstone has mental health outpatient substance use, psychological testing, and medication management.
Contact: (641) 792-4012 www.capstonebh.com
Scanlan Center for School Mental Health – Provide access to mental health care for students, educators, and staff. Virtual and free of charge. Talk to your school counselor for a referral.
Email: scsmh-clinic@uiowa.edu
**For other recommendations to support your Tigerhawk, talk to your school counselor.
Need a Ride?
Jasper County Ride – Provide free transportation to medical appointments. Areas include: Des Moines, Iowa City, Knoxville, Marshalltown, Pella, etc.
Contact: (647) 787-3078
Jasper County Ride Information for Clients
Jasper County Ride Client Intake Form
For a complete list of community resources click here: https://colfax-mingo.k12.ia.us/community-resources/
Primary Contacts

More Student and Family Assistance Contacts
Title | Name | Phone |
Jr/Sr High Counselor | Danielle Welsher | 515-674-4111 |
Elementary Counselor | Krista Terlouw | 515-674-3465 |